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Become a Student Member
/ yr

If you are part of an institution (team) that will be competing in the current competition year, then you must purchase a “student membership” here. Check with your coach or advisor first, to clarify if they have already purchased a membership on your behalf. A student membership is good for one (1) competition year, July 1st - June 30th.

What's included
+ One year of NIFA membership
+ Free quarterly newsletter
+ NIFA swag at competitions
+ Door prizes and other giveaways during SAFECON social events

Frequently Asked Questions

Does a student membership qualify me to compete at a regional SAFECON competition?

Yes, if your team has paid its membership fee, then you are qualified to compete in your regional competition as long as the requirements for Contestant Eligibility in the NIFA Rule Book are met.

Does a student membership qualify me to compete at a national SAFECON competition?

Yes, but your team must also qualify for the national competition. There may also be additional costs associated with the competition, based on host organization needs.

What else does my membership buy me?

Along with your ability to compete in NIFA competitions, you will also receive our quarterly newsletter, and gain access to a vast alumni network, as well as meet and build life-long relationships with teammates.

What other requirements are there for a student membership?

All NIFA members must abide by the NIFA Code of Conduct and the NIFA Individual Media release Statement, as well as all rules and regulations of NIFA and the FAA.