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The competition
The National Aviation Championship
SAFECON is the pinnacle of collegiate aviation excellence, serving as the ultimate national competition for aviation performance and safety. It's where the future leaders of the aviation industry gather to prove their mettle, showcase their skills, and leave their mark on a long-standing tradition.
about safecon
Bringing together the best of the best in collegiate aviation.
Dozens of teams compete regionally at SAFECONs throughout the fall, with top contenders earning the opportunity to engage at the highest level.  Each spring, NIFA brings the top qualifying teams from schools across the country to compete in the national Safety and Flight Evaluation Conference.

SAFECON’s concentration of talent and passion has made this competition a highly desired gathering point for the aviation community.  Often referred to as the "March Madness" of aviation, SAFECON is a one-of-a-kind competition bringing together the best of the best in collegiate aviation.
This documentary by FLYING Magazine offers a unique perspective on SAFECON, bringing you into the intense competition, the camaraderie among competitors, and the passion that drives them. Take a closer look to see what makes this event truly special.
The events
Experience The Competition
SAFECON encompasses a range of events that put competitors to the test in vital aviation competencies. Much like track and field, teams compete collectively while individuals vie for excellence in their events. Each event offers a unique challenge, and every competitor must excel in their respective categories for their team to win.
Traditional & Unlimited Navigation
The Navigation Event consists of a cross-country flight over a 3-5 leg course between 70-120 nautical miles. Each contestant submits a flight plan before takeoff, which includes estimated time en route for each leg, total elapsed time, and fuel consumption. The contestant with the lowest penalty points wins. Traditional entrants may not use navigation equipment/electronics of any kind.
Short Field Approach & Landing
The objective of the event is to test the pilot’s airmanship while flying a clean takeoff, traffic pattern, and landing on a target line. The distance in feet from where the aircraft’s wheels initially touch the runway to the target line is the pilot’s score. The lowest cumulative score from the two landings, plus technique and pattern penalty points, if any, wins.
Power Off Approach & Landing
Similar to the Short-Field Event, except that the power must be reduced and remain at idle on the downwind leg abeam the target line. The approach is made essentially by gliding for the remainder of the traffic pattern to touchdown, preferably on the target line.
Message Drop
The objective of the Message Drop Event is to hit targets on the ground with containers dropped from 200 feet AGL. A team effort by both the pilot and the drop master is necessary to maneuver the airplane so the two containers will hit their respective targets. The contestant whose containers land with the lowest total distance from the two targets is the winner.
IFR Simulated Flight
Competitors are required to demonstrate instrument flight rules (IFR) proficiency and precision by flying a given route in a simulator. All aspects of cross-country IFR flight are included such as receiving clearances, holding patterns, instrument approach procedures, and deviation to an alternate.
This is a simulated IFR flight with a crew of two pilots flying a multi-engine aircraft. They are scored on their ability to communicate, cross-check each other, divide duties, and problem-solve to safely complete the flight while reacting to any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.
Ground Trainer
This event is designed to test the competency and skill of the contestant’s ability to fly under instrument flight meteorological conditions (IMC) in a flight-training device. Flying a predetermined pattern, the competitor must show proficiency in maintaining altitude, heading, and airspeed.
Certified Flight Instructor
Certified Flight Instructors take part in a teaching competition. The event starts with the CFI preparing a predetermined subject. If weather and time permits, the CFI then teaches the lesson in flight.
Preflight Inspection
An aircraft is “bugged” with at least 30 unairworthy discrepancies. Contestants are given 15 minutes to preflight the aircraft and find as many of the discrepancies as possible. Technique, proper handling of the aircraft, and thoroughness are also scored.
Simulated Comprehensive Aircraft Navigation
The SCAN event is a written exam with problems that reference a simulated cross-country flight over a given route. Included in the flight planning are questions on weight and balance, aircraft performance, FARs, aeronautical charts, weather interpretations, and fuel consumption.
Aircraft Recognition
Slides of aircraft are shown on a screen for three seconds. Competitors then have fifteen seconds to identify the aircraft’s manufacturer, model number, and common name, if any.
Computer Accuracy
Contestants work against the clock to solve mathematical flight planning computations using a manually operated flight computer. The exam includes problems on time, speed, distance, wind corrections, fuel requirements, and conversion factors.
Aircraft Maintenance Technician
Trial run of the AMT Ground Test at Regionals 2023. Based on feedback and industry support, there is a planned evolution of the test to go above & beyond Aviation Mechanic ACS level knowledge, as well as establish a practical event, allowing hands-on demonstration of skills demanded in the current industry.
Awards & Recognition
Select an option below to learn more about each award.
National Championship
This award is presented to the team that accumulates the most points during the competition. National SAFECON scoring dictates points assigned, inversely, to the Top 20 contestants in each competitively scored event.
Flight Events Champions
SAFECON Flight Events Champion shall be the team who earns the largest number of points in the Flight Events. National SAFECON scoring dictates points assigned, inversely, to the Top 20 contestants in each competitive event. Flight Events include: Navigation, Short Field Approach & Landings, Power Off Apporach & Landings, Message Drop, CRM/LOFT, and IFR Simulated Flight.
Ground Events Champions
SAFECON Ground Events Champion shall be the team who earns the largest number of points in the Ground Events. National SAFECON scoring dictates points assigned, inversely, to the Top 20 contestants in each competitive event. Ground Events include: Computer Accuracy, Aircraft Recognition, SCAN, Ground Trainer, and Preflight.
The Judges Trophy
SAFECON Judges Trophy shall be awarded to the team that earns the largest number of points, if points were awarded for every place. The metric expands the normal Top 20 scoring system to assigning points, in inverse order, to contestants in all competitive events. The results show true depth of a team.
Team Sportsmanship Award
Each team at the National SAFECON may nominate another team for this award. Nominated teams have demonstrated consistent sportsmanship throughout the week of competition (and during practice sessions), representing the spirit of what NIFA is all about. The team with the most number of nominations, wins.
Top Two-Year School
Similar to the National Championship Trophy, this award is presented to the two-year school which accumulates the most points during the SAFECON.
Collegiate Aviation Progress Award
This award recognizes the team that has made the greatest improvements in the last year. A judging committee evaluates each team, taking into account the team’s performance, safety, membership, aircraft operations and extracurricular activities.
Competition Safety Award
This award is presented to the team displaying the highest degree of safety during the week of competition. Teams are judged on their ability to maintain a safe environment while handling aircraft, as well as with their professionalism and behavior.
National Top Pilot
The Top Pilot of the National SAFECON shall be the contestant who holds at least a Private Pilot Certificate, a current medical, and who earns the largest total number of points in Short Field Landings, Power Off Landings, Navigation, Ground Trainer, Preflight, & SCAN. The pilot must have scored Top 5 in any or all of the listed Flight Events.
Regional Top Pilots
This is awarded to the pilot who holds at least a Private Pilot Certificate, a current medical, and who earns the largest total number of points in both Landing Events, Navigation, Ground Trainer, Preflight, & SCAN. Top Pilots are recognized in their individual Region, as well as at the National SAFECON. Additionally, Regional Top PIlots may compete at Nationals, regardless of their team’s qualification.
Top Scoring Contestant
This is awarded to the individual contestant who accumulates the largest total number of points in the SAFECON.
Gary Hemphill “Spirit of NIFA” Award
This award honors the legacy of long time Executive Director, Gary Hemphill. Contestants complete a detailed application on their education, work, volunteerism, flight activities, and NIFA involvement. This, along with a video submission, is reviewed by a panel of Council members. The candidate who best represents Gary’s dedication to aviation excellence, professionalism, and giving back is awarded with a monetary scholarship.
Achievement Awards
Competitors submit an application in advance of SAFECON, highlighting their academic accomplishments, community service, and aviation involvement. Through the week of SAFECON, applicants are interviewed by a team of judges.
Coach of the Year Award
This award is presented to the coach that has demonstrated the best qualities in coaching, support, and leadership. Team members nominate the coach they feel best meets these criteria by submitting an essay. A panel of NIFA judges and Council members evaluates the nominees and determines the year’s honoree.
Outstanding Team Member Award
This award is presented to the team member who has been voted by their own team as displaying the best commitment to their overall success. Members demonstrate leadership, humility, drive, passion, respect, integrity, and encouragement of others. One member from each team at Nationals is honored.
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National SAFECON 2025

May 12-17, 2025
KOSH - Wittman Regional Airport, Oshkosh, WI
Hosted by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)