Preflight Aircraft available for viewing 5/14/16
The Preflight aircraft will be available for viewing at the airport facilities hangar today until [...]
Flying Complete for SAFECON 2016
Flying events at SAFECON 2016 are complete. Thank you to everyone who made the week [...]
Round 3 NAV Departure
Round 3 will begin to depart hotbox at 5:15pm. Please have your ground crew ready [...]
NAV Continues..
We have many no-shows for NAV planning, approx. 2hr 20 min behind. Plan accordingly! In [...]
Advisor/Coach Meeting
Advisors/Coaches: Meeting in front of Hangar 7 @ 2:25pm (Landside)
NEW NAV Plan Times
Round 1 NAV contestants are currently in the planning process. New show time for planning [...]
NAV is on Hold
Advisor/coach meeting in hangar 7 at 10:45am
Deadline approaching…
The following deadlines apply for the following: Coach of the Year: TODAY at 12:00pm EDT. Access [...]
NAV day 5/13/16
NAV day today. Please reference the heat sheet for your check-in time at the planning room. [...]
Preliminary Plan 5/13/16
NAV day tomorrow. Judges show at 7:30am. Reference the heat sheet for your show time. [...]