Afternoon 10/3 Flying
We will resume short field landings with heat #5. Plan to start engines at 1430 [...]
Ground Trainer Practice Available
Please see Baron in FL11 for practice sign up slots. Each school gets 30 min [...]
Final Plan for 10/3
0900 briefing in the hangar for short field landings. Again, please be prepared for all [...]
Preliminary Plan for Monday, 10/3
Students report at 0900 and plan for Short Field Landings. Be sure to dress warm [...]
Contestant Briefing
Attached is the General Contestant Briefing. 2016-region-i-safecon-gcb
***REVISED*** Nav Heat Sheet
Please see attached.2016-region-1-navigation-heat-sheet
***REVISED*** Landings heat sheet
Please see attached for a revised heat sheet with the Rounds marked. landings-heat-sheet
Region I Contestant List
If you forget your contestant ID number, you can search this PDF file. It is [...]
Flying Practice Schedule for 10/2
Landing practice may continue until 1600 local time. All flying must cease by 1600. Navigation [...]
Practice Flights Deadline
All Region 1 NIFA practice flights must be finished by 1600 tomorrow, Sunday October 2. [...]