Category Archives: Region 8

Thursday 10/27 Schedule Update

Tomorrow morning we will be doing landings. The forecast is not favorable to NAV and [...]

Wednesday Schedule Update

Ground events will run as scheduled on Wednesday. To clarify their location, they will be [...]

SIM Patterns

The competition SIM patterns will be available at 4pm in contestant hangar. As a reminder [...]

SIM Competition Sign Up

The SIM Competition will be ran Wednesday after ground events starting at 2pm. The sign [...]

Message Drop Containers

There will be a scale and measure in the contestant hangar Tuesday to check message [...]

Tuesday 10/25 Schedule Update

The schedule will run as planned from 8am to 6pm on Tuesday 10/25. There may [...]

Preflight Aircraft

The preflight aircraft is now siting in the contestant hangar. It will be there for [...]

Monday 10/24 Schedule Update

The schedule will run as planned from 8am to 6pm on Monday. The first heat [...]

Region 8 Arrival Briefing

Attached is the Region 8 Arrival Briefing and NIFA Airport Layout arrival-briefing-text

NIFA Redbook and Judge’s Manual

Attached are the NIFA Redbook and Judge’s Manual nifa-master-redbook-2016 nifa-judges-manual